
Tennessee, Other States File Suit versus Opium Makers

need unlimited access to all stories on this website within 1 business day? SUBSCRIBE to the Sun & REGISTER on this newspaper website. Have you indeed done this & continue have crises? Please or 423-638-4182. As the Opium problem Continues, six States Sue Purdue Pharma By Paul, SchottSix states this 7 days sued Purdue Pharma alleging deceptive marketing of its drugs, as litigation continues to mount versus the Stamford Inc. attached to its role in the national Opium problem. The accusations in the Fresh complaints filed in Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Tennessee & Texas parallel those made in hundreds of other lawsuits filed by cities, provinces & states in the past few years. meantime, a Cleveland-based federal judge, Dan Polster, is overseeing "multidistrict litigation" comprising various 100 the complaints filed versus Purdue & other Opium makers & distributors. however, 3 statuses -- 2 of th

Opioid drugs an in-depth review

Opioids are a type of drug that might include some strong pain relievers such as oxycodone as well as hydrocodone. Moreover, it also includes the illegal drug called heroin. What are opioids drugs?  Opioids are substances that mostly produce morphine-like effects, which are mainly used to relieve pain. Moreover, they are considered one of the most dangerous substances if misused.  However, they are also used not only medically, but no-medically as well as for their euphoric effects to prevent withdrawal. Opioids drugs' side effects Doctors might prescribe these drugs after surgeries or major injuries in order to produce pain. Moreover, if you have severe and critical health conditions like cancer and some diseases that have chronic pain. However, there are some side effects that might be aching for overdosing and when apparent, you should see a doctor as they can lead to death in some cases. some signs of an overdose might include: They start v

Heroin addiction symptoms, withdrawal, and treatment

Heroin is a highly addictive drug in which is known to cause severe effects that include euphoria as well as pain elimination. Moreover, misusing this drug can undoubtedly result in some dangerous long-term consequences. Symptoms of heroin addiction Symptoms of heroin addiction may vary depending on the kind of the abuse. Therefore, it has unique effects that happen individually and treated separately. Moreover, these signs are behavioral, physical, and psychological. these behavioral signs include:  Frequent absences from work/university Poor performance at work/university Wearing long-sleeved shirts even in warm weather, in an attempt to hide bruises and cuts on the arms as a result of injecting heroin A lack of interest in personal grooming or hygiene Lying or being secretive about your whereabouts and activities Stealing money to pay for heroin Moreover, the physical and psychological symptoms include: Significant unintentional weight loss Malnutri

Hashish Addiction Risks and Side Effects

Hashish is mainly one of the cannabis plant like Marijuana as it has all the effects of any addictive drug. Moreover, being an addict to Hashish will undoubtedly put your life in great danger. Furthermore, the active ingredient in hashish is similar to this in Marijuana. However, in Hashish it is much higher than in Marijuana. Hashish Addiction risks  Hashish and some related products are from the same cannabis plant and some Psychiatric Associations might use them in some cases. However, there are some huge risks that might lead the condition to being severe.  Those risks include:  Research has indicated that when children and adolescents chronically use cannabis products they inevitably suffer damage to areas within the white matter of the brain, which can negatively affect learning and memory. Individuals who use cannabis products have high rates of alcohol use disorders (greater than 50% concordance) and tobacco use disorders (greater than 50%). The American Psy

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Marijuana addiction and its side effects

Marijuana is one of the most dangerous drugs in the whole world, if you got addicted to it. Moreover, it is acquired from the cannabis plant that is typically dried out, ground up and eventually be ready to be smoked. However, it is legal in some states in some countries and illegal in others as well as it can be also used as a medical component in order to relieve pain. Marijuana Addiction Marijuana is one of the most difficult drugs to quit. Therefore, it is not just because it is more addictive than other drugs, but because addicts are more reluctant to let go of it. Furthermore, They also see it as the ultimate vice and cannot stop getting it on a regular basis. Therefore, if you want to recover from addiction, you must stop immediately using marijuana.  However, if you continue to use marijuana, it means that you don't want to change your life, and you don't want to learn new ways to relax, escape and reward yourself, which means that nothing will chang

Nicotine addiction symptoms, Causes, and risk factors

Nicotine is mainly an addiction to tobacco products that is caused by the drug nicotine. Moreover, the dependence of this drug means that the addict stop using it under any circumstances. Nicotine has physical and mentally mind-blowing effects in your brain that are temporarily pleasing. Therefore, these effects make you want to use tobacco and cause dependence. However, stopping smoking can cause withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and anxiety.  Nicotine Addiction Symptoms  Many people can lead to undoubtedly tobacco dependence, which can make the addict quickly enter the withdrawal stage of this addiction of the drug. Therefore, some signs might lead to some severe long-term issues to the addict's physical and psychological health.  Thus these symptoms might include: You can't stop smoking. You experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop. You keep smoking despite health problems. You give up social or recreational activities in ord