CNN : declared in Are recreational marijuana and opioid addiction linked?

Yet when it comes to recreational marijuana and opioid addiction, many experts say there's no definitive evidence to support an exclusive connection between them. "The driver behind that increase in opioid addiction has been an overprescribing of pain medicine, overexposing the population to a highly addictive drug." Story highlights White House press secretary Sean Spicer seemed to tie recreational marijuana to the opioid crisisMany experts argue that he may have gotten the opioid epidemic wrong(CNN) As White House press secretary Sean Spicer spoke Thursday about "greater enforcement" of federal marijuana laws, he seemed to link recreational pot use to a different type of drug: opioids. "We know why there's an opioid addiction epidemic. "I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing that we should be doing is encouraging people.

Study finds patients treated for opioid addiction also often prescribed painkillers

Study finds patients treated for opioid addiction also often prescribed painkillers

Is opioid addiction linked to marijuana use? Sean Spicer seems to think so, but researchers disagree
But White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday appeared to link the surge in opioid abuse to another factor: recreational marijuana use. Some advocates have even gone so far as to propose using medical marijuana to treat opioid addiction. But there's almost no evidence showing recreational marijuana use could drive up opioid abuse. In his press conference, Spicer said President Donald Trump saw a "big difference" between using marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. Second, Spicer seemed to imply that recreational marijuana use could lead people to try more dangerous drugs — a controversial claim commonly called the "gateway drug" theory.

collected by :Lucy William

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