More White Americans Are Getting Addicted To Opioid Painkillers « CBS San Francisco according to : CBS San Francisco

The life expectancy for white Americans in the United States was enviable: for decades, white Americans were living longer lives. SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — More white Americans are getting addicted to powerful opioid painkillers and women are the fastest-growing group of individuals who become addicted. Dr. Kolodny said the epidemic is driven by overexposing Americans to powerful opioid painkillers. An estimated 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain and roughly 5 to 8 million of them are using opioid painkillers to deal with it. Many believe the epidemic took off after 1996, when a new and very powerful opioid painkiller came on the market.

More White Americans Are Getting Addicted To Opioid Painkillers « CBS San Francisco
Here are just five of Boston's Best Comedy Shows to see in and just before the start of Spring 2017. Boston's Best Comedy Shows In Spring 2017Bostonians love to laugh - and as Winter lingers on and Spring seems so close but so far away, that is when they not only love to but need to laugh. Fortunately, the city has some great comedy clubs and theaters where both young, up-and-coming talent as well as veteran comedians can make Bostonians do just that.

FDA-Approved Implant Helping Patients Battle Opioid Addiction « CBS Pittsburgh

"Relapse rates while patients are on the Probuphine rods are low compared to other similar medications," Dr. Kunkel said. Dr. Kunkel said while they just recently started offering the implant, they get over 100 patient treatment requests a day. "If they don't take their medicines on Wednesday or Thursday, they might use other opiates on Friday," said Dr. Kunkel. By having the implant, John says he eliminates the cravings and desire to use. A month ago, Dr. Kunkel implanted the first Probuphine rods on a patient here in Pittsburgh.

collected by :Lucy William

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