thedailynews : reported that Greenville to offer substance abuse support group for teens

It gives a peer support that maybe they can talk to outside of support group they maybe wouldn't have identified on their own," she said. The groups will be set up similarly to an established program of a peer support group of the same nature at Greenville Middle School open to anyone who has family members or friends struggling with substance abuse. To help students going through these situations, Community Hope Christian Counseling has partnered with counselors at Greenville High School to provide a peer support group at the school. Counselors at the high school level have already begun the process of getting the support group started and have held an initial meeting to gauge interest. "They're very effective."An advantage for the support group being held in the middle school and now in the high school, Kelly said, is the convenience of the meetings.

Former NBA star to speak frankly on substance abuse

collected by :Lucy William

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