Chelsea Clinton: America is suffering an opioid epidemic according to : BBC

Chelsea Clinton is Vice Chair of the Clinton Foundation---------------------------------------AMERICA'S OPIOID ADDICTIONAnalysis by Bryan Lufkin, BBC FutureIn the United States, opioid addiction has become an epidemic, according to national health organisations. Many of the global health challenges I see in 2017 were painfully present and widely acknowledged as challenges in 2016. The US Centers for Disease Control recognises that our country is gripped by an 'opioid overdose epidemic,' and various studies estimate that 80% of those struggling with opioid use don't get the help they need. Opioid addiction is on the rise worldwide, but it's significantly more pressing in the US. And, of course, we need research to inform potential global work as it has in the US.

Chelsea Clinton: America is suffering an opioid epidemic
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Governor's task force meets about growing opioid epidemic

(WJTV) — As Mississippi's opioid epidemic continues to grow, the governor's task force met for the first time Thursday to work on solutions. "It's possibly a necessary evil for insurance to get involved in trying to stem the problem with abuse from prescription pain killers," Dowdy said. That tool is the Mississippi Prescription Monitoring Program. Surgeon General and other expert pain management resources. Additional consumer resources and information on the risks and impact of prescription opioids are available at""It's a battle that's being fought, has been fought for a long time," Dowdy said.

collected by :Lucy William

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