Sudbury letter: Time to ban smoking

Here's the method: 1, by allowing the discount of tobacco products, it knowingly creates a inhabitance of addicts that, 2, it then enthusiastically milks by tobacco-linked taxes & exorbitant fines imposed on whimsical pretenses. By comparison, the day of the announced convictions, in the sosame courtroom, someone got fined $650 for texting When driving: obviously smoking in the middle of nowhere is 5 times further threatening to community then texting & driving. allow's make no mistake: cigarettes kill thousands & thousands of Canadians year after year. Tobacco smoke is Apparently dangerous. There's just 1 coherent regulatory approach to tobacco products: ban them, & help nicotine addicts shake off their deathly habit.

The ban on smoking in schools going to apply to the whole of Flanders

The ban on smoking in schools going to apply to the whole of FlandersWhen the following school year starts, smoking going to no longer be allowed on school premises 24 hours a day week a week. Currently, the smoking ban applies to all school premises & those used for additional-curricular activities. For unlock areas such as playgrounds, the ban applies on weekdays from six |30 to 18 |30. "A total ban going to reinforce the school's function as an example", tells the Flemish Education Minister Hilde Crevits (CD&V). In the French-speaking society, smoking isn't allowed in premises used with pupils whether they are present or not.

The ban on smoking in schools will apply to the whole of Flanders

Legislator wants Erie Co. to ban smoking in cars by children

referring to BUFFALO, N.Y. – A Fresh law introduced in the Erie province legislature Thursday would ban people who smoke from doing Extremely When in a vehicle by children. The suggestion came from legislator Patrick Burke, who, outside of politics, is too a concerned parent. It's indeed a law in 9 states (though by different age parameters) as well as entire countries like Britain. Smoking by children in the vehicle is too indeed banned in some municipalities of N.Y. State, & Burke wishes to make Erie province the following. The legislature going to too have health Specialists present realities & statistics which would backing banning smoking When in the vehicle by a child.

collected by :Lucy William


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